
Venom GT faster than Veyron

The bitterness at the recent high-speed trip of the US-Hennessey Venom GT super sports: He has no signed and sealed. Despite the record pace of over 430 km / h crown belongs therefore continue the Bugatti Veyron.

The clinch at the fastest street-legal supercar car in the world going into the next round. After the official Guinness world record of the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport in spring 2013 with 415 km / h (factory limited) confirmed now fly back to shreds. John Hennessey wanted the setback can not sit up and sent his Venom GT recently on a NASA runway to attack. The result of high-speed running supported the claim of the American: 270.3 mph,coilover kits ie 435.2 km / h showed the satellite-supported measurement unit. Nevertheless, the 1244 hp US flounder beckons not an official entry in the Guinness Book of Records. Because: According to Guinness, the fastest road-legal car has to be built in a minimum quantity of 30 units from the Venom GT but only 29 vehicles are designed and built so far really only eleven. And the Venom GT is Approved as a Lotus Exige "modified" - that is, as a converted Lotus.

Important to know: The 1,200-hp Bugatti Veyron Super Sport has been measured in the past without as factory speed limit with 431 km / h and 434 km / h. These speeds will not recognize the Guinness organization but because the car only with limit (415 km / h) is sold. The number of participants in the struggle for the crown is limited to three to four protagonists. Hennessey Venom GT In addition to and the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport and the Shelby Ultimate Aero throws every now and again the Fedehandschuh. Most recently in 2007, when he reached a then-record speed of 412 km / h. It remains exciting.

