
Chevrolet Camaro changed demonstration

In recent years, Chinese elements frequently appear in major Hollywood productions, we all know how this is going, not how splendid Chinese culture, or how good Chinese actress acting, but in order to contribute to the box office appeal, hastening people's consumption desire , but also facilitate the placement of domestic brands. If it has long been a preparation for "Transformers 4", many lens viewfinder in Hong Kong, and even the idea of ??playing the Tamar Lands building, cars were crushed Lands violence, typically engage in sabotage unfulfilling Michael ? Tony style. In order to facilitate "change 4" propaganda campaign, simply hold the world premiere in Hong Kong directly, see the Chinese market is determined to win, but unfortunately the domestic audience angrily after watching the hardness of their placement too, struggling tucao Day parade that? This part tucao audience, may have overlooked a major premise, "change" the nature of commercial film series all along, Michael ? Tony also never go theatrical route, the investor is more than what the charity so mind the placement of hardness degree, consider watching sweet Zhuangzhuang Banxingbanshui state under false Zhang Ke, Chen Kaige and his ilk works using a large view, small production for obscenity, which is probably the film festival parade stage works. "Transformers" are based on the first three sets of human mainline cars, of course, "change 4" must also be true, but the first three focus on the most important being Huanjiao Hornet, the "change 4" did not appear in the fifth generation Comay Luo (Camaro) shadow touches spent a 1967 edition of the first-generation Camaro and a still in the conceptual stage Kemai Luo. What? In the "Variable 1-3" has been in the leading role of the Five Kemai Luo, the "change 4" nor even a cameo role? For fans accustomed to the Hornets and the fans, it seems a little difficult to accept. Well, "change 4" to abandon the Five Kemai Luo, Hornets supporters have not given up, happened in the "Variable 4" during the hit, we took a five generations Kemai Luo, lost the throne of the protagonist, simply let it is when a guest angels right back. Why is an angel?

